All Student Athletes:
Will maintain appropriate attendance by. . .
- Being present in all classes on game day while maintaining 90% attendance overall (tardies included) each week.
Will be productive with their achievement by. . .
- Passing all classes, while making weekly APEX progress (1 unit completed each week).
Will demonstrate appropriate behavior by. . .
- Not being removed from any class more than 1 time; Not being suspended. Must attend all practices.
- Any missed practice can be excused when a doctor’s note is provided.
- Three unexcused practices may result in removal from the team.
- Participate in all practice activities. Understand that credit will be earned based on participation in practice AND the number of practices attended. Understand that if during any sports season, engaging in any physical contact (pushing, shoving, fighting, kicking, spitting, etc.) will result in removal from ALL sports for the rest of the school year.